Tapedeck robot voice
Tapedeck robot voice

Get 100+ original Voice Synth presets via one single in-app purchase. Overthe summer,I'd seenan IBM commercialshowing off their new voice recognition software. A powerful robot awaiting for a verbal command to crush its foes might sound like something from a science fiction film, but now its a permanent fixture of.

tapedeck robot voice

#Tapedeck robot voice pro

Voice Changer Pro X includes a massive and fully tweakable robot voice preset for free. Speak, sing, hum and beatbox in the mic, to turn your voice live into a baby or tenor, a popstar on AutoPitch, a Hollywood-class robot, a church or close harmony choir, animals from birds to dogs and lions, musical instruments from organs, guitars and a groovy bass to percussions and rich 70's vocoders, amazing effects and ambient, lush string/storm soundscapes. When he sits down to type it out, however, the robots voice emits from his new tape deck, which promptly bursts into flames. Soundwave (Transformers) Decepticon Action Master, Communications, Go-Bot, Targetmaster, spy bot, council member Lieutenant, Communications Commander and. Voice Changer Pro X is “The ultimate live voice transformer” and comes with the sound engine and over a hundred tweakable presets of our professional #1 music app Voice Synth.

Tapedeck robot voice